
Teaching Awards 

At LUMS, we are committed to recognizing and celebrating the incredible contributions of our faculty to teaching and learning. In collaboration with the Office of the Vice Chancellor and the Office of the Provost, LLI is proud to oversee the distribution of prestigious teaching awards that highlight the dedication, innovation, and excellence of our educators. 


VC’s Award for Teaching Excellence 

The Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching is a testament to the high value LUMS places on the fundamental process of teaching and learning. This award honors faculty members who have made significant contributions to enhancing their students’ learning experiences through innovative teaching, sustained commitment, and excellence in education. 


  • Sustained Achievement: Recognition is given to continued efforts and outstanding contributions in teaching and learning over several years. 
  • Outstanding Contributions: Including but not limited to the intellectual growth of students, innovative teaching methods, mentorship involving research or practical experience, development of novel educational materials, and leadership in teaching and learning enhancement at LUMS. 


Number of Awards

Up to five outstanding educators may be honored each year. 

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Teaching and Learning Grant 2024 Winners


HEC Best University Teacher Award 

The Best University Teacher Award (BUTA), hosted by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan which invites nominations from all the universities across Pakistan. At LUMS, it is managed by LLI in collaboration with the Provost Office at LUMS, acknowledging the exceptional faculty members for their excellence in teaching and pedagogical skills. 


  • Eligibility: Open to BPS, TTS, and contract faculty from both public and private universities/DAIs. 
  • Revision in 2019: The award criteria were updated to focus more on effective teaching indicators, encouraging greater emphasis on teaching quality. 
  • Achievements: Since its inception, HEC has conferred numerous awards to distinguished educators across the country. 


Participate in the HEC Best University Teacher Award: 

HEC announces the call for nominations every year in November 


How to Apply: 
  • Review Details: Please carefully read through the award details and requirements available at the HEC website
  • Submission Deadline: Ensure your complete dossier is submitted to by the given deadline. 
  • Selection Process: A committee chaired by the Vice Chancellor, along with other committee members as designated by the HEC, will review dossiers. Only one nominee will be selected by the committee, and results will be forwarded to HEC. 

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  • Inclusive Teaching Dialogues: Bridging the Socioeconomic Divide - Fostering Resilience and Social Cohesion in Diverse Higher Education Classrooms
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  • Teaching Squares
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  • Faculty Success Series
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  • TA Tea Hour (TAAG)
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  • Inclusive Teaching Dialogue Series: Beyond Relative Grading- Assessments that Support Learning
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  • Flipping and Blending classroom
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  • Authentic and Renewable Assessments: A Journey Towards Innovative Teaching
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