Our Student Partners

Maham Ahmed Bhimra
Technology Enhanced Learning, LLI

Maham is a student partner under the Technological Enhanced Learning Vertical at LLI, and overlooking the AI and education side of LLI. She handles the logistics and is a TA in the AI workshops, and is also a lab lead in the Center for Speech and Language Technologies (CSaLT).

Jawad Saeed
Website Administrator, LLI

Jawad is a Computer Science senior working as a student partner at LLI. He works on the maintenance and the addition of new content to the site. He also works as a TA in AI workshops and contributes as an instructor for SPADES.

Hafiza Fatima Asad
Hafiza Fatima Asad
Faculty and Educational Development, LLI

Hafiza Fatima Asad is an MPhil Educational Leadership and Management student at LUMS and a Student Partner working with Anusheh under Faculty Development vertical.

Her role has been both exciting and rigorous, offering the opportunity to apply her course learnings in collaboration with faculty, PhD scholars, and external participants while focusing on using research-based evidence to design impactful workshop materials.

Atayab Naeem
Muhammad Atayab Naeem
Faculty Development, LLI

Atayab is pursuing his MPhil in Educational Leadership and Management at SOE, LUMS. At LLI, he is engaged with workshop logistics, workshop design and data analysis. Leveraging his experience as a data analyst, he contributed significantly to data visualization in LLI’s first annual progress report in 2024. Additionally, he is improving the way data is structured and organized to increase efficiency behind the scenes.

Iman Tanveer
Iman Tanveer
Media and Marketing, LLI

Iman Tanveer is an MPhil candidate in Education Leadership and Management at LUMS, blending academic insights with a flair for marketing and media. Her experience as a media manager and marketing research assistant has sharpened her skills in crafting compelling content, steering strategic marketing initiatives, and analyzing market trends. She is passionate about turning creative ideas into engaging media strategies.

Mishaim Majeed
Mishaim Majeed
Student Partner - LUMS Learning Institute

At LLI, Mishaim work with her team to improve the teaching experiences and practices of the faculty. She is currently pursuing my MPhil in Educational Leadership and Management. Her aim and passion is to revamp the educational landscape and redefine learning and teaching for students and teachers both.

  • Inclusive Teaching Dialogues: Bridging the Socioeconomic Divide - Fostering Resilience and Social Cohesion in Diverse Higher Education Classrooms
    Sep 20
  • Teaching Squares
    Sep 23
  • Faculty Success Series
    Sep 27
  • TA Tea Hour (TAAG)
    Sep 30
  • Inclusive Teaching Dialogue Series: Beyond Relative Grading- Assessments that Support Learning
    Oct 18
  • Flipping and Blending classroom
    Oct 23
  • Authentic and Renewable Assessments: A Journey Towards Innovative Teaching
    Nov 07